Subject: File Number S7-10-22 comment
From: Anonymous

Jun. 12, 2022

This proposed rule does not serve US citizens. It imposes additional
financial burdens on US corporations and provides no direct benefit
to either the corporations or the citizens of the US.
The proposed rule appears to primarily benefit international
investors by reducing their due diligence research costs to acquiring
investments. Due diligence is required of the investor and the costs
of such discovery should be born by that investor.
The proposed rule appears to be based primarily on the demands of
foreign investor groups which desire US corporations to bear the cost
of their responsibility for exercising due diligence on behalf of
their clients.
This does not serve the interests of US citizens or US corporations;
therefore it should not be given further consideration by the
Security and Exchange Commission.
The proposed rule relies upon the GHG Protocol for disclosing
greenhouse gas emissions. This protocol is flawed as it based on a
consensus of non-scientific groups rather than actual fact-based
measurement of greenhouse gas emission and their effects.
No US department or US state has adopted the GHG Protocol, which
indicates that it is not useful as a source of actionable facts.
This proposed rule will result in increase costs to US corporations
which will be passed through to the US consumer, especially
minorities and women.
These costs should be born by the investor, not US citizens.