Subject: File Number S7-10-22 (SEC Climate Disclosure Rules)
From: Aaron W. Adams

Jun. 13, 2022

To Whom It May Concern, 

I am strongly opposed to any SEC rule that would require companies to disclose “certain climate-related information,” including the company’s greenhouse gas emissions. This is a massive overreach of the SEC's role of fighting investor fraud. Furthermore, this rule is more politically motivated than scientific. The SEC has no authority over climate policies and lacks the scientific expertise to govern such, even if it did. Additionally, adding SEC staff to manage this rule will only add to government spending and debt. This is merely an attempt by the government to increase control of businesses. It is tantamount to creating a corporate "social credit score," that would potentially be used to restrict banking, loans, and commerce, ultimately stifling the free-market and innovation in all sectors. 

Aaron Adams 
Swansboro, NC