Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Judy Carter

Jun. 13, 2022

The proposed climate disclosure rule is unacceptable, and should be scrapped immediately. This rule is just another way for the government to expand its control of commercial businesses. The ESG score and the administrative requirements it creates will add additional operating expenses to every business, which will then be passed down to us, the consumers. It duplicates bureaucratic functions by adding climate change responsibilities to the SEC. THIS IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SEC! 
This is another example of government overreach. I am assuming the justification is that it falls under the general welfare clause - it does not! The original intent of that clause was to provide for the defense of our nation and to pay for things that benefitted evenly all citizenry. Making us pay for bureaucratic functions that are duplicated multiple times in multiple agencies does not benefit anyone! 
This rule/regulation is unconstitutional and should be scrapped now! 

For liberty not tyranny! Judy Carter