Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Tom and Liz Wagley

Jun. 13, 2022

We oppose the SEC Climate Disclosure Rule to impose more “green” policies. Do NOT approve these rules.

They will increase government control of USA businesses, both large and small.
They will create corporate “social credit scores,” which is currently used by China as a tool to punish those who do not comply with their rules. We do NOT want them in America.
We do NOT want “social credit scores” – could restrict our banking, loans, and commerce.
SEC has NO authority over climate policies and lacks scientific expertise.
SEC was created to fight investor fraud. This does NOT include climate control. We do NOT need more Federal bureaucrats – we need fewer, according to our Constitution.
Excessive regulations increase inflation. Inflation is already terrible and needs to be reduced, not increased by terrible climate policies.
Companies that are not “green” enough would have decreasing investment by activist investors. This includes companies (oil, gas, and coal) that power the economy. We cannot depend on wind and solar to power everything; that will NOT work.

Businesses should NOT have to show how “climate change” impacts their business. They need to concentrate on their business, instead of having to report to the government. Businesses are already over-regulated. They should NOT have to report greenhouse gas emissions and those of businesses they buy and sell from, or disclose how often their corporate boards talk about climate change. It is not the government’s business to control private industry this way.

DO NOT APPROVE THE IMPOSITION OF MORE “GREEN” POLICIES. This is just more government control of businesses and our private lives and will add even more cost and inflation to our lives. We do NOT want to be controlled as done in China.

Thank you.
Liz Wagley