Subject: I Strongly Support S7-10-22 - Mandate Climate Risk Disclosures
From: William Tam

Jun. 10, 2022


6June 10m 202/10/22 

Dear Sirs / Madam, 

I Strongly Support S7-10-22 to Mandate Climate Risk Disclosures 

Without specific information of the dangers and foreseeable costs of climate 
change, there is no corrective mechanism to induce change or force 
price adjustments. Investors and regulators will face a wall of ignorance 
about the future. It is like driving a car without a fuel gauge or way to 
measure the engine temperature. 

The very essence of markets and pricing as self correcting mechanisms 
is learning and mid-course correction. Without disclosure of climate-related 
financial risk information (S7-10-22), the entire U.S. and global economy 
will be literally flying blind. 

At the simplest level, climate change poses risks to real property and to people 
due to more frequent and more severe weather. Neither individuals nor institutions 
can plan for changes if they do not know what is coming. 

Remember the famous Calvin and Hobbes cartoon showing the pair crashed 
on the rocks beneath a cliff they did not see. Hobbes turns to Calvin and says, 
"[c]areful, let's not learn anything from this." 

Thank you for proposing this rule. I urge the SEC to finalize and adopt 
S7-10-22 as soon as possible. 

Very Truly Yours. 
William Tam 
Honolulu, Hawaii