Subject: I support climate risk disclosures (S7-10-22)
From: Nathan Kwan

Jun. 10, 2022


I’m writing today to express my support for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule to require publicly-traded companies to disclose climate-related financial risk information (S7-10-22). Climate change is already impacting or is expected to impact nearly every facet of the U.S. and global economy, including energy production, infrastructure, agriculture, residential and commercial property, and product supply chains, as well as human health and labor productivity. Climate change poses major risks to companies and their investors, including physical risks to real assets due to the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events and transition risks posed by changes in regulation, technology, and market preferences as we shift to a net-zero economy. Investors need transparent information about climate-related investment risks. Thank you for proposing this rule, and I urge the SEC to finalize it as quickly as possible. 


Nathan Kwan