Subject: Climate Change Disclosures
From: William Gregory

Jun. 09, 2022


June 09, 2021 
The Honorable Gary Gensler 
Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street NE 
Washington, DC 20549–1090 

Submitted via rule- 

Dear. Mr Gensler 

Please use common sense to realize that more regulations impede 
the ability of the American economy to navigate the jungle that 
Congress and a puppet POTUS have created that may be the 
demise of this great country. Small businesses do not have the 
resources or time to comply with a mountain of new regulations that 
will be the cash in the pocket for the lawyers, relatives and friends 
waiting inside the beltway like hungry sharks to some new consulting 
job, research grant or proxy representation in front of a committee or 
regulator. One volcanic explosion will bring more destruction to the 
environment than anything, regulations will prevent(I was a 
meteorologist). If rules and regulations could guide our country to 
a stable outcome, we would have no national debt, no mass killings 
and no discrimination. Consider closely, the failed policies of the 
present POTUS and the minions that surround and guide him. 

Thank You 
W Gregory