Subject: Proposed Rule S7-10-22
From: Jeremy Donohue

Jun. 10, 2022


Hello. I am writing to let you know that your proposed rule S7-10-22 is an awful attempt at making people believe you're doing something great for the environment. 

The country is falling apart at the seams. Everything is so expensive and we are on the precipice of a complete economic collapse. This rule will absolutely send us over the edge. 

Companies will understandably be forced to pass the cost of this work onto the consumer. Or worse, go out of business entirely. 

The company I work for is holding the line at raising prices for our customers. This will devastate our customers. It will devastate me and my ability to put food on my family's table and make all Americans' lives harder than it already is. 

There is nothing in this rule that actually does anything for our environment or air quality. There is no purpose other than shaming companies. 

This is nothing more than white collar workers, politicians, lobbyists, lawyers lining their pockets while riding the backs of everyday hard working Americans. 

I think the SEC would be concerned with removing overreaching legislation rather than adding more. 

Please do what Americans need. Please spend time and our money on things that will actually help the environment. This rule is the complete opposite. 

Thank you for your time, 
Jeremy Donohue 
Registered Democrat 
Mesa, AZ