Subject: Public Comment: PASS Rule S7-10-22
From: N/A

Jun. 06, 2022


I'm a voter and a resident of the Atlanta, Georgia area. I am a community advocate who cares about my family, my neighborhood, the residents of my city and my planet. I want and deserve a livable
 planet and future for me, my generation and for everyone for generations to come.  I strongly support Rule S7-10-22 to require corporations to disclose climate-related financial risks. The climate crisis is the single greatest risk to our future, financially
 and otherwise. Investors and the public at large need clear, consistent, reliable information about the environmental impacts of corporate activity and what, if anything, they are doing to lower that impact. Many companies are already voluntarily disclosing
 their climate risks, but it's time for every company to get onboard. This rule would level the playing field by eliminating any competitive advantage created by a lack of climate transparency. 85% of Americans want U.S. companies to be transparent about their
 impact on people and the planet, according to a recent poll conducted by Just Capital. This is a clear, sensible, yet powerful intervention that will help right the ship for a clean, livable future for all Americans. Sincerely, 

Opal K. C. Baker (she/her) 
East Point, Georgia 

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