Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Jason Agne
From: Jason Agne
Affiliation: Engineer

Jun. 08, 2022

I got an email from heritage action that basically asked me to submit whatever they tell me to submit but also include some personalized written abuse for the Biden administration, because something about lawyers being an expensive work around to environmental regulations. I'm here to, instead, say I am approaching being on board with radical solutions to our accelerating climate crisis, due in part to how well-funded and desperate those entities that seem concerned only with whatever short term profit they can obtain by chipping away at our livable conditions. If a company must rely on the destruction of our planet to remain in business then that company should not remain in business and regulating them out of existence (or better, regulating them into being a business that no longer destroys the planet) is a perfectly reasonable alternative to letting them destroy the planet.

Also, the Biden administration is rocking it. I do wish there was some way to loosen the grip that well funded right wing disinformation has on our country. That disinformation board really seemed to spook everyone that relied on disinformation to stay relevant - maybe revisit that.