Subject: It’s time to standardize climate reporting (S7-10-22)
From: Nate Leies

Jun. 07, 2022

Dear Secretary Vanessa Countryman,

Thank you for the opportunity to read the thoughts of myself and many others who want a livable world and want to mitigate the harm climate change will irreversibly cause. 

With climate risks mounting, the rules proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission will serve to protect investors and promote a market environment worthy of the public’s trust. In fact, a national survey conducted by CERES and JUST Citizen shows 85% of Americans want large companies to publicly disclose climate related risks. 

If enacted, these rules will protect investors, promote innovation and transparency, and prepare the U.S. economy for a rapidly changing climate. In particular, including Scope 3 emissions will give investors a more complete picture of climate-related risks and total emissions from public companies, allowing regulators and lawmakers to make smarter decisions that benefit businesses and the environment. 

Just this May in Virginia, we have already experienced one heat wave driving temperatures into the high 90s. In eastern Virginia, many residents deal with flooding any time it rains, often closing roads and— in some communities — causing severe septic overflow, both which find their cause in the emissions-driven warming our climate is experiencing. Virginia communities and businesses are eager to meet legislative mandates for a clean energy economy, but to do so requires transparency, consistency, and credible figures, especially from our investor-owned energy utilities. The systematic reporting required by the proposed rule will give state regulators, investors, and utility customers a vital tool to assess how Virginia’s energy monopolies are responding to climate change. 
Nate Leies