Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Dan Keeley

Jun. 08, 2022

Dear Commissioner Gary Gensler, 

As a farmer, I am writing to submit comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed rule on the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 

While climate change is a big deal and I applaud your efforts to require businesses to consider climate related risks and inform their shareholders of them, I think the currently proposed regulation goes to far and is likely to backfire. Requiring businesses, and worse yet everyone in their supply chains, to tote up climate impacts accomplishes little and will result in small suppliers basically making stuff up to check the box. This is corrosive to business ethics and generates reams of inaccurate paperwork which is not exactly climate friendly either. Please stick with business related issues when regulating business and leave the environmental work to the EPA. 

Dan Keeley