Subject: Public Comment: PASS Rule S7-10-22
From: Jae Sabol

Jun. 06, 2022

I'm a father who just wants a livable future for myself, my son and future generations. I believe we can make decisions for the highest good of all people and life on this planet and I am asking for your help.  

I strongly support Rule S7-10-22 to require corporations to disclose climate-related financial risks. 

The climate crisis is the single greatest risk to our future, financially and otherwise. Investors and the public at large need clear, consistent, reliable information about the environmental impacts of corporate activity and what, if anything, they are doing to lower that impact. 

Many companies are already voluntarily disclosing their climate risks, but it's time for every company to get onboard. This rule would level the playing field by eliminating any competitive advantage created by a lack of climate transparency. 

85% of Americans want U.S. companies to be transparent about their impact on people and the planet, according to a recent poll conducted by Just Capital. This is a clear, sensible, yet powerful intervention that will help right the ship for a clean, livable future for all Americans. 


Jae Sabol 

San Gabriel, California 

Jae M. Sabol 
Executive Director ~ One Community 
One Community: "Open Source Sustainability for The Highest Good of All" 

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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called." ~ Buckminster Fuller ~ 


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