Subject: I support S7-10-22, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
From: Madeline Helbraun

Jun. 07, 2022

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Dear Secretary Vanessa Countryman,
I understand that tax payers are essentially investors in companies that are involved in climate mitigating actions. 
We are tired of watching our communities being reduced to ashes or washed away in floods caused by climate change and we are demanding companies to stop greenwashing projects that accelerate climate change. Climate risk is financial risk. We need transparency from U.S. companies on their greenhouse gas emissions and how they're addressing climate risk. By meeting investor demands for disclosure, transparent companies will be more competitive, innovative, and clean. This is a critical step to help companies get ready for a net zero carbon economy.
I support the proposed rules change in S7-10-22. Please implement these changes as soon as possible.
Madeline Helbraun
Falls Church, VA 22042
Virginia Grassroots Coalition