Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Kaleb McLaurin
From: Kaleb McLaurin
Affiliation: Self

Jun. 1, 2022

June 1, 2022

The Honorable Gary Gensler
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

SEC File No. S7-10-22
Submitted via

To Whom it May Concern:

As the primary earner for a family of four, I am distressed over the effects this rule will have on food costs and food availability. As we struggle with supply chain issues, inflation, and a global food shortage, this action will further exacerbate these overwhelming challenges faced by lower and middle-class families like mine.

My parents have a small cow-calf operation that sells calves at livestock markets. Those animals continue to make their way through the supply chain until they are processed by corporate packers and sold by corporate distributers, retailers, restaurants, etc. that would all be subject to this rule. As a part of their supply chain, my parents would then have to report their greenhouse gas emissions.

The problem, my mom is a teacher and my dad is a welder. Neither of them have the ability to measure or determine their sequestration or emissions of greenhouse gasses. Nor do they have the time or know-how to report them. Additionally, there is no agreed-upon methodology for measuring agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. In short, this agency is mandating companies to report data that cant be acquired by participants in their supply chain. That motivates further consolidation along the supply chain, devastating mom and pop cow-calf producers, reducing beef cattle supply, jeopardizing the U.S. food supply, and further increasing food costs to families like mine.

To better serve your intended purpose without unnecessarily straining American consumers, I urge you to limit the proposed rule to only scope one (direct) and scope two (energy/electrical) emissions while omitting scope 3 (supply chain) emission compliance. This will ensure the SEC continues to regulate major publicly traded companies, not privately owned family farms and ranches.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on this proposed rule.


Kaleb McLaurin