Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Keith Childress

Jun. 1, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 
This is a VERY bad idea. It is fascist, something Hitler would have used against the Jews to regulate against them. This is a blatant attempt to amass power over business, to segregate and punish “bad” companies that do not toe the wacko environmentalist green utopian line. As Obama said, it will be used to “fundamentally transform America” to a few global elitist’s idea of what America should be, not what the vast majority of American citizens want, or need. The World Economic Forum DOES NOT have the best interest of America on its mind, just the opposite. Anything, proposed by anyone associated with the WEF, including Biden and his regime (who are members of the WEF), should NEVER be used. This goes against everything America stands for and what has made us the greatest country in the history of the world. This will not just be used as an informational tool, this is the toe in the door and the ground work to turn it into an enforcement and penalty tool, to pick winners and losers in the business world. Again, just like Nazi Germany. Do not impose the monstrosity on America. We need less government regulation, not more. We have not had free market capitalism for over 100 years. Every time the government proposes and implements one of these asinine regulations, is chokes the golden goose of American business. It is to the point now, that one more regulation like this will completely kill the goose!