Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Roy Sewell

Jun. 01, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 

I am a small business with 12 employees and do not support any additional government intervention in my business especially this one on climate related disclosures. 

I am not in a financial position or even know how to assess the climate impact of my used car business and any requirement to do so would require additional costs that I cannot incur especially in the environment where our current administration allows: 
1- illegal immigrants to cross the border at will thus allowing criminals along with drug traffiicing and who knows what else to enter our country. 
2- Provides health care to these immigrants while out mentally ill population lives homeless on the streets. 
3- We provide and incentivize citizens to have children so they do not have to work and draw checks on a monthly basis at my expense. 
4- have the gall to impair our fossil fuel industry and drive record inflation 

These are just a few things real citizens deal with and congress has nothing better to do than dream up climate rules and regulations that just add cost to my business. 

Does anyone in Washington really know what it is like to run a small business or as I expect you just want more money and power. 

Can't wait to vote the current bag of incredibly lost in space morons out of office in the mid terms. 
