Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Linda Wilson

May 31, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 

Frankly I see this as another way that big government is sticking their hands in some else's cookie jar. 
There are already rules and regulations in place and I am getting sick and tires of Big government always trying to tell us what to do and how to think. 
They are just going to rule over the common people and stick us with so many regulations and rules nobody can make any money and small businesses are going to fail spectacularly!! 

I am quite tires of always having climate change stuffed in our faces when big government takes more and more of our money and spends it on foolish things and all their pet projects while they get richer and richer!! 

Enough is enough!! We The People have had enough!! Stop trying to dictate our lives and lively hoods!! 
Butt Out!! 

Linda Wilson