Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Doug Jergenson

May. 31, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 1st no one is positive or has any proof that greenhouse gases have anything to do with climate change! 2nd there is no proof anywhere that all this FEAR TACTIC about the end of the world has any truth to it. This is the Dem's trying to scare people so they can make money off of fear and ignorance! 

Requiring disclosures is just going to cost money and time. It will also burn more fossil fuels while making more paper, and mail deliveries to fill the mail boxes of investors that don't want the extra junk in the first place! It doesn't change the facts stated above.Requiring disclosures on a subject matter that is based on fear and lies doesn't change the facts. Requiring this is just more political posturing from the DEM's.