Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Carla Messal

May. 31, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 
It is interesting to me all the time you put into things that do not need more money 
or government time. We have a border that should be closed . We have people 
coming into this country that are harming others lives and the future of our people. 

We should not be putting time into climate change . When the jobs are being 
taken by the choice of so many who were allowed to come over illegally . 
How do you continue to watch this and focus on climate? Which is not an issue 
It has become a distraction to get people to fear something else the government 
has deemed it scary. 

Get off of that and work to help the people ,their future and the lives of your constituents. 
The best thing you could do is stand up for us by voting against these types of 

God did not create a world that was going to not be able to handle any change . 
In His wisdom everything this world was going to need He created. Man has 
manifested fear over changes because man does not understand God's Creation. 

Man has stopped farmers from growing . That was a bad choice. Man has stopped refineries 
from pumping enough to sustain our people .Bad choice. Man has chosen to take the life of 
the baby. Bad choice.We are buying from other countries because of poor choices.Bad choice. 

You can be the one that stands up and says enough . We can not continue this way of life 
and believe man is making good government choices. 

When you stand for God and not allow man to dictate what you should think. 
We will see a better world. Be that person . Be strong , be wise and be led by God. 

Concerned Citizen 
Carla Messal