Subject: File No: S7-10-22 Climate Related Disclosures
From: Anonymous

Jun. 01, 2022

Regarding the SEC proposed rule for Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. I am 100% against S&-10-22 and any other far reaching self legislated liberal pipe dreams!! We have rules on the books to address this crap and I am sick & tired of hearing all this "Global Warming" opps.... Climate Change BS. This whole issue is just another excuse for a corrupt government to extract wealth from businesses and the middle class while the global elites and billionaire oligarchs break all the rules and gobble up our farm ground and water rights!! The SEC needs to spend more time stopping the insider trading taking place by our government officials and also the corruption that runs rampant on wall street. If the SEC and Federal government can't prove with 100% accuracy & transparency that Climate change exists as stated and for the Ludacris reasons stated then this is just another sham power grab by an already suspect agency and a corrupt government & administration.