Subject: My support for File No. S7-10-22
From: Madeline Neenan

May. 28, 2022

Dear Chair Gary Gensler,

I am contacting you to support proposal S7-10-22, to require companies to disclose audited greenhouse gas emissions.

Please approve this! Climate-related risks have reached historic and catastrophic levels. If companies were going to voluntarily do the right thing, they would have. Shareholders and investors should have the opportunity to monitor companies on an issue that defines our era. The current disclosures make it difficult for investors and shareholders to make investment or voting decisions aligned with their risk tolerances or ESG concerns. "Sustainability reports" are inadequate - we need to know emissions in their SEC filings. Consistent, comparable and reliable disclosures on material climate-related risks will serve both investors and capital markets.  I support requiring reporting of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, with a safe harbor from liability for reporting on Scope 3 emissions for one year.

Its important that companies be held more responsive to shareholders.


Madeline Neenan