Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Robert Griffith

May. 23, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

Public companies are already required to disclose “material” risks, and that includes climate change, for some companies. 

If adopted, these sweeping new disclosures will discourage companies from going public, and will force them to shift resources from innovation and job creation to compliance with the Left’s mandates. 

This will destroy American competitiveness, and make us dependent on foreign governments for cutting-edge products. Even more frightening are the implications for our national security. If we’re dependent on foreign oligarchs and dictators for our energy needs, we are vulnerable to those foreign leaders’ whims and demands. 

Americans want energy independence, not more shaming of our oil and gas companies! 

Robert Griffith