Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: John Slabodnik

May. 23, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

I want to be clear that I do love our planet that we live on very much and I want to see clean air and drink clean water and I want our companies to make sure that they have the technology to not pollute but what is happening is that some of our companies have moved their manufacturing operations to other countries like China where they virtually have no requirements for protecting our environment which puts a lot of our smaller companies at a great disadvantage. If they were really serious about protecting our climate that wouldn’t be allowed until China along with India, which have around 3 billion of the world’s population, would have to follow the same environmental requirements as us which is why I sadly believe that everything that President Biden and his administration have been doing ever since January 20, 2021 is to destroy our economy while helping some companies have monopolies in their industries and those companies that are greatly benefiting from these requirements by manufacturing outside of the U.S. are part of the World Economic Forum headquartered in Davos Switzerland and they say that this is all part of a “Great Reset” but most of what I’m seeing is a great destruction instead. Not only the destruction of smaller businesses but also the destruction of people’s lives and livelihoods. These unnecessary requirements in my opinion along with a lot of what President Biden and his administration are doing is eventually intentionally going to destroy our economy which seems like he’s on the same page as the leaders of the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and other members say that they want a global digital I.D., global crypto currency which will be highly controlled and eventually turn us into cyborg slaves controlling what we think and do with A.I. technology. It sounds like something from a science fiction movie but it looks to me like they’re turning it into reality. To bring all of their wishes to reality first they have to destroy our economy and our currency with inflation making our money worthless and at the same time destroying our sovereignty through healthcare which will ultimately and completely destroy our country and take away the freedoms that most of us take for granted but love, cherish, and want to protect very much. They want full control of every nation and every person and these requirements are part of that agenda which I and alot of other great Americans are completely against. I hope and pray that you and others in the Biden administration will change your minds and come up with a fair compromise with other nations especially China & India that really will help create a clean environment while at the same time not hurting smaller U.S. businesses which make up a huge part of our economy, the lives, livelihoods, and sovereignty of the great people of our beautiful country that I love who just want to live peaceful prosperous lives! 

John Slabodnik