Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Mary Moylan

May. 23, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

When President Biden took office in 2021, America enjoyed energy independence. But no longer. Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, destroying thousands of well-paying jobs in the process. 
He and his executive branch appointees began a crusade against American energy companies – and to fill our energy needs, the President has resorted to begging Middle Eastern countries and Venezuela to increase their production! It’s as if Biden prefers foreign energy production over U.S. production, and WANTS Americans to pay more to drive to work and to heat and cool our homes. 
The latest assault on American energy companies comes from the SEC in the form of a 500+ page proposal to require public companies to report their various impacts on “climate change.” 
This proposal is part of the Biden SEC’s crusade to implement the Left’s climate agenda, which is stalled in Congress. This complicated legislation-through-regulation scheme will saddle companies with huge new costs and enable the “woke” ESG crowd to bully companies – all the while enriching the trial bar, who’ll find new ways to sue productive companies; and big accounting firms, who’ll reap revenue from helping companies comply with these reporting requirements. 
And for what? Public companies are already required to disclose “material” risks, and that includes climate change, for some companies. 
But Biden’s SEC is not content to regulate within its legislative authority. If adopted, these sweeping new disclosures will discourage companies from going public, and will force them to shift resources from innovation and job creation to compliance with the Left’s mandates. 
This will destroy American competitiveness, and make us dependent on foreign governments for cutting-edge products. Even more frightening are the implications for our national security. If we’re dependent on foreign oligarchs and dictators for our energy needs, we are vulnerable to those foreign leaders’ whims and demands. 
The FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT duty of ANY President/Administration is to protect and defend its citizens and its nation’s sovereignty. By weakening our economy, our borders and our energy independence, the current President, Joe Biden, and the far left agenda are making us less safe within our own country, and leaving us vulnerable to the dangerous dictates of those who now control our oil and gas supplies. This must stop NOW. We must return to energy independence, increase domestic manufacturing, secure our southern border and return to our place as an economic LEADING nation in this world - not a weak kneed puppet. 

Mary Moylan