Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Christine Pitzer

May. 23, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

I am tired of President Biden and the "woke" left a attacks I n American energy! Prices are so high at the gas pumps that people must choose between gasoline or paying for food, rent or medicines! Shutting down the Keystone Pipeline is an attack on America; and most if the Biden policies favor the Left's agenda; illegal aliens, China or Russia -- NOT the American people!! 
Please put American Energy FIRST; National Security DEPENDS on it! 
Energy Independence NOT dependence on foreign leader's rules is the Bedrock of Our Great Nation! Vote NO on this horrible legislation before the America our Forefathers fought and died for is no more! 

Christine Pitzer