Subject: I only want to invest in companies that are climate-friendly! S7-10-22
From: Sue Hammond

May. 17, 2022

I support the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule to require publicly-traded companies to disclose climate-related financial risk information (S7-10-22).

 Climate-related disasters are increase in frequency and severity, and I want to do everything I can to help fight climate change!

I want to be able to make smart, climate- and community-forward investment decisions. I would like to be able to choose to support companies that try their best not to harm the environment, and those that actively try to address climate change and related issues.

The United States needs to join other countries that are already requiring these types of climate-related disclosures from companies.

We need transparent information about climate-related investment risks. Thank you for proposing this rule, and I urge the SEC to finalize it as quickly as possible.

Sue Hammond