Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Jason Redding
From: Jason Redding

May. 13, 2022

May 13, 2022

 I write as a concerned citizen about the proposed disclosure rules regarding climate. These disclosures not only represent a burdensome regulatory scheme, but also a gross overstep of the SEC purview and authority and an overt political action by a purportedly neutral federal commission. Such actions delegitimize the institution and remind Americans that their public servants have a distinct and active political bias when they should be acting solely in their best interest. It is precisely actions such as these that have eroded institutional trust in this country and have exacerbated political divisions. I understand that these proposed rules are likely well-intentioned in the minds of their architects, however, they would clearly create a new class of business that would be branded socially 'undesirable', and would serve only to inflame division and create systems of bias against them. These rules are also wholly unnecessary as they does not serve to protect the American investor i
 n any tangible way, but rather increase costs and schedules associated with ever-growing compliance burdens. I therefore urge the SEC not to exceed its authority on this matter and to return speedily to political neutrality, acting only in the name of protecting the American investor.