Subject: I support File No. S7-10-22
From: Joel Weisberg

May. 14, 2022

Dear Chair Gary Gensler,

I am writing to support proposal S7-10-22.  This proposal  would require companies to disclose audited greenhouse gas emissions in much the same way they are required to disclose audited financials.

The SEC should approve the proposal requiring disclosure of climate-related risks, and metrics reflecting those risks. Climate-related risks have reached historic and catastrophic levels. Voluntary guidance is inadequate. Existing disclosures do not adequately protect investors and shareholders who want to monitor the extent to which a company's behavior is consistent with its public statements. The current disclosures make it difficult for investors and shareholders to make investment or voting decisions aligned with their risk tolerances or ESG concerns. Many companies publish sustainability reports but few include emissions data in their SEC filings. Consistent, comparable and reliable disclosures on material climate-related risks will serve both investors and capital markets.

This proposal increases corporate transparency, which enables shareholders to make better decisions about their holdings. In turn, investors will be able to hold corporations  responsive to them.   Rule  S7-10-22 will be a major step in this direction, which is why I strongly support it.


Joel Weisberg