Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Mike C.
From: Mike C.
Affiliation: Director in Energy Sector (Reliable and Renewable Sectors)

May. 16, 2022

 May 16, 2022

 As an senior manager of a corporation with headquarters in Europe and also as a private investor, I have seen what required climate disclosures can do to a company.  This would be a threat to corporations and their access to capital markets based on disclosures such as these.

Climate activist are gaining control of the media outlets, pushing agendas while not relying on facts.  While our overall goal should be to transition to renewable energy in the next 30 years, activist are pushing for the immediate future.  Society cannot instantly move away from fossil fuels for a number of reasons: technology advancements are not there yet, no suitable replacement for fossil fuels in all of the thousands of products that contain them, etc.

The latest trend has been for these activist to pressure financial institutions to stop lending to corporations based on their products they produce and their carbon footprint.  This hurts corporations by limiting financial access, increasing product costs, and limiting innovations that would allow for a natural lowering of their carbon footprints.

We should let the user market decide if a corporation wants to disclose their climate disclosures based on the individual share holders requesting this. Not government intervention.