Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Julia
From: Julia

May. 13, 2022

May 13, 2022

 We are living in a climate emergency. It has been heartening to see so many companies make public statements about their commitment to climate justice. However, I am concerned that their activism is purely performative. And when it comes down to actually lowering their emissions, I am very doubtful that companies will do anything.

As reports have shown, just 100 companies are responsible for nearly 75% of the world's emissions I find it shocking then that companies shrug the responsibility off onto consumers. No matter how many reusable bags I bring to the grocery store or how many miles I walk instead of driving, these actions will not matter at all if companies are not willing to transition to more sustainable practices.

That's why I support your rule. I believe that transparency leads to action. If companies are required to disclose their climate impact, it might actually inspire them to lower their emissions for fear of public ridicule. In addition, it will provide consumers with the necessary information of which companies are actually sustainable and which ones are just greenwashing.

Clearly we need to make drastic changes in order to avoid an all out climate catastrophe. We still have time, but the window is rapidly closing. The quickest way is to hold companies accountable for their contributions to climate change and to pressure them to change their ways. I understand it may take several years for businesses to transition to a completely sustainable model -- but we MUST start that work today to avoid catastrophe in the future. Climate change is here and we must act now.

Thank you for opening public comments to this rule. I highly support it. Thank you.