Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Ulysses Lateiner
From: Ulysses Lateiner

May. 12, 2022

 May 12, 2022

 I strongly support this rule, and any other rule mandating climate-related disclosures. Our country is in a climate emergency. If we don't act now, we will destroy the planet that our descendents, including today's children, stand to inherit.

The transparency this rule requires will hold companies accountable for their role in climate change, and will give investors more leverage in demanding changes to business practices that contribute to rising global temperatures. Companies will never voluntarily disclose this information, so SEC must establish a rule that requires them to do so. Without impactful changes like this, the human race will suffer incalculable harm from the results of the climate crisis.

Please pass and implement this rule. Thank you.