Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Marcus
From: Marcus

May. 11, 2022

 ***May 11, 2022

 This ruling is a joke. Our federal government wants to tax corporations more, reduce their profit margins, and now you want them to spend money to report their impact on the climate, all while keeping cost of goods at an affordable level? You have your priorities completely out of whack. These reports have ZERO to do with protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, or facilitating capital formation. At what point in time do you push back on added duties? You already complain of being understaffed and having limited resources to doing your primary job function, and now you want to add this on? Let's say you do this, then what? Hire more people to review these documents and then will you be expected to enforce this at what additional expense and who will pay for it? That's right, the tax payer.