Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from S
From: Anonymous

May. 11, 2022

 ***May 11, 2022

 I strongly support this rule. We are in a climate emergency, the effects of which are already devastating parts of the country with more than usually violent storms, more dangerous floods, and extreme heat waves just this week.

If we don't act now we will be creating a planetary environment that's uninhabitable for our children and grandchildren, and it will become more dangerous in our own lifetimes.

The transparency this rule requires will hold companies accountable for their role in creating and perpetuating the climate emergency. It will give investors more leverage in forcing changes to business practices, practices that currently contribute to rising global temperatures, biodiversity loss, and economical hardship where the worst weather events occur.

It's simple fact that companies won't voluntarily disclose this information, and that we can't demand they do better if they don't.

It's also a simple fact that without dramatic changes the human race will suffer incalculable harm from the results of the climate crisis.

Please pass and implement this rule. Our lives and our future depend on it. Thanks.