Subject: File Number S7-10-22 Comment
From: John Kozloski

May. 11, 2022

As an investor and shareholder, having access to full, complete and truthful information is absolutely necessary in order to make any reasonable decision. As the law currently stands there is no obligation for publicly traded companies to disclose information regarding their environmental impact, and trends in the market clearly show a rapidly growing concern for this impact on multiple aspects of commerce and infrastructure. To withhold this information in any capacity stymies my ability to make an informed decision on the manner in which I maintain my financial investments, and I cannot in good conscience or reason continue to invest in companies that would willingly withhold any information about their core business practices. Therefore I support the passing of this newly proposed rule S7-10-22 that requires businesses to be honest and transparent with their statistics, to ensure a fair market is upheld and investors are not coerced into investing in any company they might otherwise not have with such information.