Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

May. 10, 2022

  **** May 10, 2022

 This new proposal for ESG reporting will undermine the existing regulatory framework of what a company must report. There is no standard for reporting ESG information and this new proposal will harm businesses, investors, and the economy. There are already existing rules covering climate risks. This is being done by the companies themselves and we dont need another government agency making them report useless information. Another issue that I see is reporting of scope 3 emissions, this is going to put a tremendous burden on big companies and will put undue stress on small businesses. This proposal will not provide comparable, consistent information from company to company. I all so believe that the SEC does not have the constitutional authority to force companies to disclose this information. The cost of this proposal on big business is going to be very expensive and for small business it could be extremely expensive and force them to close. In closing, we dont need another governme
 nt rule/regulation posed on business and we need to make sure the government is working for the people of America not working against them.