Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Katelin Spradley

May. 09, 2022


Dear Commissioner Gary Gensler, 

As a fifth-generation rancher from New Mexico, I am writing to submit comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed rule on the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. 

The proposed rule is an example of overreach by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Farmers and ranchers like me are already regulated by multiple agencies at the local, state, and federal level. 

The proposed rule's focus on the value chain for climate-related risks and impacts under Scope 3 means the start of the value chain, like farms and ranches, will face a disproportionate burden in having to provide unknown costs. In many cases, we do not have the resources to meet the requirements of this proposed rule. 

Agricultural producers play a leading role in climate sustainability. Agriculture shows a promising future to even be an integral part of the solution. It is the job of elected lawmakers, not unelected regulators at the SEC, to adopt policies related to farms and ranches. Matters that so broadly affect the country should go through the legislative process to enable adequate input rather than an abrupt and sudden rule-making. There is clearly not enough time to review this rule or gather information on how this will affect small businesses such as my family's ranch. 

I urge you to stay within your jurisdiction. 

Katelin Spradley 
26 Mary Ln 
Mcintosh, NM 87032