Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Julie Sacco
From: Julie Sacco
Affiliation: Nonformal educator

May. 09, 2022

  May 9, 2022

 As an environmental educator, I speak with multi-generational audiences about a wide range of topics, from biodiversity to climate, and how corporate (ir)responsibility impacts our daily lives. While John Doe can take small steps to shrink his carbon footprint, corporations and industries of all sizes should be required to, first, disclose the environmental and climate impact of their operations and second, take appropriate/scale and timely actions (following John Doe's lead) to make measurable improvements in their daily operations. A corporate paradigm-shift is required in order to help slow and, ultimately, reverse the course of climate disruption.  FACTUAL and ACCURATE disclosure of climate risk, based on SCIENCE (not science fiction, not obfuscation) is a small but important step toward reclaiming public trust in corporate activities/operations as they concern climate risk.  Historically, corporations don't succeed by doing \"business as usual\" - it's the companies that assess
  their role in the larger community and adapt to changing needs that become sustainable.  Step 1 is to acknowledge the risks that make sustainability less achievable, bc contributing to a risky climate is risky business.