Subject: SEC Climate Rules Could Harm Farms and Ranches
From: Eric Ditmer

May. 08, 2022


Dear Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission Vanessa A. Countryman, 

This falls into the category of “with everything going on around the world someone is trying to shove this down our throats. 

As I return to the field this spring my focus is on doing my part to “feed the world”, the same that has been done by my family for over 5 generations. 

I just wrote to the SEC with concerns about their proposed climate disclosure rule, File Number S7-10-22. 

The SEC is rushing to jam through a rule that raises huge issues and I have shared these concerns with the SEC. 

The SEC proposed rule is 510 pages long, with 1,068 technical footnotes and 750 direct questions, but the SEC has only given farmers 39 days to review and comment. 

This is an example of overreach by the Securities and Exchange Commission. What are you going to do to stop the SEC? 

Eric Ditmer