Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Gary Teel

May. 04, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

Americans want energy independence, not more shaming of our oil and gas companies! Proven all Green products must be driven by oil or gas products in order to move parts and until the utility grid can sustain billions of households' utilities, vehicles, all electrical mechanism, then there needs to be a halt on the Sec's woke disclosure scheme, NOW! Time to start impeachment charges on any who deem to destroy American freedoms, welfare, security and protections! As they are going against the oath they took coming into office and the Constitution of the USA with their woke agenda to destroy America and it's legal citizens, enslaving the American ppl once again! This nation was founded on freedom, making it the only nation in the world not to be dictated to, putting all power in the hands of the American ppl, not government! 

Gary Teel