Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Kendal Rush

May. 04, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

It is absolutely outrageous that a legislation-by-regulation scheme cooked up by the Left extremists is now used as a stopgap to make up for their radical environmental agenda stalled in Congress. The proposed #S7-10-22 legislation by the SEC will discourage oil production companies from going public while forcing them to shift innovation and job creation resources to comply with the Left's mandates. 
It is a horrible situation our current administration has inflicted upon America with exorbitant gas prices due to their failing policies and incompetent handling of our national resources. With no real backbone or clear-sighted rational thinking to stand up against the infringement of the Leftist agenda or influence, our economy is steadily heading into a recession while the most immoral commander in chief sits on his throne like a puppet pointing the finger at anybody he can, refusing to take responsibility for the deplorable direction he leads the US into. 
We are on the verge of a market crash, with the GDP falling for the second quarter in a row. Our borders are being overrun by an invasion of illegal aliens and an influx of cartel drugs, child trafficking, guns, and international terrorists fostering a wave of violence and crime over the entire US. Our beautiful Californian cities are laid waste by absurd crime levels, covering the streets with drug addicts and record numbers of homeless people who litter the streets with human feces, hypodermics, and a morass of utter vile filth that bears not repeating. 
Simply put, America is under siege, and it's not from the previously mentioned. No, it's from the counter culture that abhors American values and morals upon which this great nation was established and built. Honestly, how can one believe for one moment that an immoral society based on the radical Left's ideology will ever succeed in anything? Personally, I think that this is precisely the point. The question answers itself. 
I used to be a tried and true Democrat with an understanding of how the Left thinks under a smidge of naive perspective, but then I grew up. Isn't it time the rest of these irrational romantics do the same and start proposing solutions that benefit America under a clearly and concisely conceived plan instead of creating more problems? Where is the wisdom of working against the oil companies to make it harder for them to help us in this crisis of upheaval in the environment and our economy? 
There are many different technologies available to run vehicles with minimum gas usage. I've seen them personally. With simple installation to modify a car's mileage, practically allowing them to run off a single gas tank for nearly an indefinite amount of time is technologically feasible. Heck, it's almost considered antiquated with what we know today. With technologies like this and several others, why not support the oil and gas companies with incentives to develop these types of innovations instead of hamstringing them from doing what they do best? 
It's simple, with the production of engine modifications to existing vehicles incentivized by the deregulation of oil and gas production, these companies could slowly transition to several new types of productions that would not benefit not only our receding economy but ultimately the environment in which we ALL depend upon. 
I know this is a stretch of the imagination that is somewhat counter-intuitive to the nature of politics and capitalism on both sides of the aisle, but negative reinforcement through regulation and control will not get the results the far Left is looking for. Honestly, it will get us nowhere. This whole mess is like a Gordian knot, and until we cut through to the core of the issues like Alexander the Great, nothing will ever be accomplished, no matter how much we rant and rave about our idealistic motives. It will never matter until there is an absolutely realistic solution that all sides can agree upon. But who's smart enough to spearhead something like that? It takes real work and some serious guts to accomplish what really needs to be done. Do you not agree? 
Then what are you waiting for? 

Kendal Rush