Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Jerri Galvin

May. 04, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

Although you may NOT LISTEN, Americans want energy independence, NOT more shaming of our oil and gas companies! 

Closing down oil exploration when a shakey alternative is slow to market is not only IDIOTIC and NOT THOUGHT THROUGH, but it will further expand China's wealth while CRUSHING the U.S. Economy. You do NOT have to be an economist to see that--except the current 'administration' seems to have little expertise to be able to clearly see the writing on the wall, rampant inflation, the devaluing of the US dollar, or the poverty that is coming for all but the uber-rich Americans. 

I urge you to PROTECT America's citizens and STOP being ANTI-American and encourage our oil industry until a REAL, VIABLE ALTERNATIVE is within reach! 

Jerri Galvin