Subject: I OPPOSE The SEC's Woke Disclosure Scheme (#S7-10-22)
From: Ronald Dumas

May. 04, 2022

To Whom It May Concern: 

It is really disgusting and disheartening to know that the Biden Administration is doing all of this to the oil and gas companies. What about thousands of good paying jobs? Don' they want Americans to have these to support their families? Then because of the Radical Leftist Socialists they want to raise taxes and make gas and oil even more expensive for the good American families. What has gotten in to the Biden Administration and Congress and all those Democrats who are supposed to be working for the middle class of Americans. What about the PIPELINE? You shut it down. !I was told about 5,ooo jobs depended on this and you FINALLY let the oil companies to drill new wells and then you want to take away their profits after they spent millions of dollars exploring and drilling new wells. All you Democrats in Washingtom ought to get out and get a "REAL JOB' witjh very little benefits if any and see what the "Real World" is like. 

Ronald Dumas