Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Meredith Duce
From: Meredith Duce
Affiliation: University of Colorado Boulder

Apr. 29, 2022

My name is Meredith Duce. I am a business student at the University of Colorado-Boulder, a consumer within the American market, and a young professional going into investment management. The SEC proposed rule to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors in an important step in policy that is necessary to promote action beyond promises. The distinction of Scope 1, 2, and 3 helps to educate all stakeholders, including potential investors and all consumers who can act in their own interests. In the global economy only 0.2% of companies were strongly aligned with the UN SGDs. Within American policy the SEC proposal will lead to industries identifying how they plan to achieve climate-related goals rather than promises with no action, increasing the number of companies strongly aligned to the UN SGDs. With the great number of consumers and investors interested in environmental conservation and environmentalism in investments, the proposal is an important st
 ep toward transparent information that is necessary to create actual change within Americas economy. Students, consumers, and investors will greatly benefit from this proposal, and the specified identification of each scope is an important rule that can educate and provide needed transparency.