Subject: Thank you for protecting investors (S7-10-22)
From: Sharon Shutler

Apr. 24, 2022


Dear Secretary Vanessa Countryman,

I'm so pleased that the SEC has proposed this rule that requires disclosure by publicly traded companies of their greenhouse gas emissions and attendant risks in financial statements. It will help ensure investors and the U.S. private sector are prepared to adapt to and respond to climate change challenges. 

Most Virginians are captive customers in Virginia’s monopoly energy system and do not have a choice about where and how their energy is produced. This becomes especially problematic as increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and storms threaten our electricity infrastructure. Just this winter, Virginians experienced historic power outages after a series of winter storms; many families were left for days without power. Without reliable public assessments of climate risks to our electric utilities, we will be left unprepared for the massive disruptions to our energy infrastructure that will come with climate change. 

This proposed rule will provide consumers with consistent and reliable information about how Virginia’s investor-owned utilities are preparing for climate risks to the infrastructure that powers our homes and communities. 
Sharon Shutler