Subject: File No. S7-10-22 - Resend due to TLS Errors when sent from
From: Donald R Laster Jr

Apr. 23, 2022


    This proposed regulation is meaningless and will only drive up the cost of products for no reason.  When one looks at the "climate change" mantra one finds it is not about the climate but controlling people.  Consider, CO2 is not a global warming chemical and it is not a global cooling chemical, nor is it a pollutant.  We created catalytic converters to produce CO2 and H2O because these chemicals are beneficial to the planet.  If the CO2 levels increase plants grow better.  And Volcanoes are generating more CO2 than humans ever have.  There is a difference between real pollution and beneficial chemicals.  CO2 is a beneficial product needed for plant growth and thus food production.

    Look at what happened after we cleaned up the environment by the mid 1970s.  The "Environmentalist" did not want to admit we accomplished all of the objectives people agreed must be in met in the 1960s.  The first thing they did was complain about the "global cooling" and when that did not occur they started screaming about "global warming".  They also screamed that people who exposed their lies were trying to pollute the planet.  They also continue to ignore history such as the Medieval Warm Period, where France put a tax on Scottish wines due to Scottish wines being better quality, and the Little Ice Age, or the "Year without a summer".  Humans are not causing climate change and CO2 does not effect the climate.  It is a naturally occurring cycle related to the Sun, Earth's orbit around the Sun, and Earth's volcanoes.  The "Human caused Climate Change" mantra is a fraud when one looks at the real science.  The one chemical that does have an effect on the climate is called Di-Hydrogen Oxide - i.e. H2O which is also critical for life.

    By the logic of this  proposed rule companies would be required to account for the CO2 output of their employees and any person who buys or uses the products by simply living due to the logic used by "Environmentalist" and this "regulation".  In addition, by the logic of this regulation the companies would have to account for their use of H2O which has more effect on the planet than CO2. Look at the damage H2O does on a regular basis. In addition, the so-called "green" solutions that are constantly proposed are more harmful and unreliable than the are current systems used.  This proposal serves no purpose unless one want to drive up the cost of products, reduce the the supply of products, undermine the economy, and destroy freedom.  There are no benefits to this proposed regulation and the regulation can not be met by any company.

    Donald R Laster Jr.

     Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test
     a man's character, give him power.  -- Abraham Lincoln



Donald R. Laster Jr.
