Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Thomas Gourlay

Apr. 15, 2022

I am writing (for the first time) to say I feel this rule is not needed and is going to cost the taxpayers and shareholders more money for something most companies do on their own, also shareholders can and have added these requirements to annual shareholder meetings, and usually they pass or the corporations decide to do it. Besides whatever our companies do here, other countries just turn an eye to their regulations and it's a really moot point. 

For companies to have to take on a minimum half a million just to prepare to comply with a rule that in the end will do nothing, but again cause us to pay higher fees in what companies produce is crazy, especially with inflation running so high like the 70's, and for people like me on a fixed income that try to make ends meet with investing, it's a burden I don't feel is necessary. 

Thank you, 
Thomas Gourlay 
Inverness FL. 34453