Subject: Climate Disclosure
From: Mitch Cornett

Apr. 01, 2022

I am an investor in public companies and find it offensive that the SEC would even consider taking a political position and trying to use it's regulatory requirements to force companies to provide disclosures on a partisan topic which has nothing to do with the purpose of the Commision. You need to stop playing politics and stick to the mandate you have been given by congress. This is a huge governmental agency overreach. There is no way that this information can help investors to know about a company's financial health or any other useful parameter to us to invest in the company. This is a huge waste of money and will expose companies to huge legal risks as everyone will want to sue about them. Your have no business getting involved in this process. 
In regards to each of the numbered questions 
The SEC should not regulate climate change disclosures, should not require them nor require then in any public company filing. The SEC should not waste time trying to quantify climate change measures and should spend your time doing what you have been mandated to do by congress. The SEC should not be involved with forcing or encouraging industry to quantify climate change information. The SEC should not develop or implement industry specific climate change regulations. The SEC should not waste time looking at any of the frame works as this is a purely partisan political exercise and is not appropriate for the Commission to be involved in. There is no need to update disclosures as there is no need for them to begin with. The SEC should not require climate relate disclosures at all. Registrants should not disclose any internal governance and oversight of climate related issues as this is purely a political stunt. There is no need for any of the mentioned standards. There is no need to enforce any of the standards as it adds expenses to companies that are of no benefit. There is no way to assess the reliability of standards since none are needed and there is no way of quantifying climate impact that is reliable. There is no need for "comply or explain" as there is no need to comply This is not needed. There is absolutely no reason for the SEC to require private companies to report any climate related information. This is a gross overreach of your Commission. The SEC has no business looking into ESG disclosures. This is not a reasonable investment objective for the vast majority of Americans and you have no business mandating anything that is just wanted by a small group of activists. 
You need to stick with your mandate and not get over run by activists who want to force their views on all Americans. If they want to look at this information to inform their investment decisions that is their business, it is not the business of the SEC to force companies to comply with additional, worthless reporting requirements. 
Please stop this absurd business and reassign your employees to doing the job you are supposed to be doing. You should go back and learn what your purpose is and stick to it. 
George Cornett