Subject: Comment on Proposed Rule S7-10-22: Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

Mar. 31, 2022

Dear Chair Gary Gensler,

   As a 78-year-old earthling, though by no means an investor, let me share the following observations:
   Rachel Carson's 1962 SILENT SPRING led to the documentary I and many others viewed at our alma mater UW/Laramie a decade later.  There those beautiful white clouds appeared so low, because the altitude of 7,220 feet above sea level was so high.  FYI, those clouds and other formations are now here by the East Coast.  In fact, their gradual descension over the decades I questioned both the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service -- even a commercial pilot's union.  None of them furnished me a response; this was back in 2010.
   Around 1980, I believe I first learned from then Anchor Dan Rather that both ozone layers of our global poles showed a hole in each, later determined to be due to fluorocarbons, such as in spray cans.
   Since then, the seasons appeared more and more unstable.  While I cannot say myself that I experienced warmer and warmer temperatures, I have noticed certain plants blooming earlier for quite some time here in the Garden State.  Also, and more concerning, regardless of precipitation, the winds nowadays are stronger and more frequent.
   Nevertheless, besides Climate Change or Global Warming, equally disconcerting has been the change to this phenomenon in what is now incorrectly called 'The Party of Lincoln' in its complete disregard for this obvious danger to our very planet.
   Had you watched the original B/W 1956 horror flick 'INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS' that starred the late Kevin McCarthy and featured pods, clones and mind control or brainwashing, perhaps you would grasp just what I'm alluding to.  The Republican Party has morphed into some sort of cult, which I view as made up of culture vultures, overtaking all others in deception, delay, distraction and denial.  And one can add defiance.  Not only ignoring the status of our biosphere we label Mother Earth, but responsible for the 01-06-21 Insurrection.
   If indeed we are not alone and that not all UFOs are accountable, isn't it possible that the GOP has been taken over by 'Reptilians'?

Please pass a strong climate disclosure rule as soon as possible.

Parsippany, NJ 07054