Subject: Comment on Proposed Rule S7-10-22: Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
From: Jacquelyn Bonomo

Apr. 01, 2022

Dear Chair Gary Gensler,

Please support for Proposed Rule S7-10-22: Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. I am so tired of companies profit hugely while taxpayers pay for mop up and the planet's health and well-being suffer.

Climate change stands to create significant instability and disruption in our financial and economic systems. I believe that implementation and enforcement of a strong rule will give investors the tools we need to protect our investments and hold companies accountable for reducing heat-trapping emissions.

I applaud the SEC for exercising its mandate to ensure that investors and the public have access to science-based information about risks that could affect their investments. Climate change will have far-reaching impacts across our society and having data about its likely effects on companies’ assets and long-term business outlook is essential for investors to make informed decisions and protect the wellbeing of our economy.

Please pass a strong climate disclosure rule as soon as possible.

Ms. Jacquelyn Bonomo
Lemont, PA 16851